

This weekend was very hot.  I spent most of Saturday inside, avoiding the sweaty world.  I snuggled with the cat, and we read Ted Hughes extensively, interrupted only by my having to access Wikipedia to check on questions I had re: Birthday Letters.  I'm about halfway through, and am thoroughly enjoying it.  It's beautifully written (composed?  I know you physically write poems, but how do you describe it, really?) and I think really helps to understand his point of view in the controversy and sadness of his and Sylvia Plath's lives together.
I ventured out later to get dinner with my sister, and discovered that Becky had sent me book in the mail, which I am very much looking forward to reading.  I love new books, and will be diving into this one when I'm done with Ted.  (I can tell they will be VERY different from each other, but I'm glad to switch it up.)  When I'm done there, I should probably read the other books I have that Becky's given me.  I forgot about them, and this reminded me that I should stop rereading Anne of Avonlea and read something new.
My sister and I also stopped at Urban Outfitters, where I bought shirts I don't need and, on a whim, some Polaroid film.  Unfortunately, I didn't read the box, and it's not the right film for my camera.  So it has to go back.  However, this inspired me to get the camera out, change the batteries, and discover that it had a few frames left in it.  The photo isn't very good, but at least I know the thing works!  (It's been sitting in the closet for 3+ years.)  And thanks to The Impossible Project, I can still get film that will fit in this camera, I just have to order it!
Sunday was baseball day, and Dad and I braved the heat to watch our Phils lose to the Braves.  But we still had fun, and got to talk about stuff that drives my mother crazy (e.g. Leave it to Beaver) and I got ice cream in a helmet, so the day could not have been better.  I'm preparing a post about baseball soon.
Hope everyone out there had a lovely weekend too!

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